association modelling

In this project we aimed to study the consequence of immune cells interactions in terms of change in behavior of these cells in an immuno-oncology 3D in vitro assay.

Type of data: Imaging time series data from engineered T cells where two cells types CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were identified by different colors.

Background: In our assay we investigated how T cells where behaving during the course of tumor attack. In particular here we were interested in the behavior of two important cell types CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, since they have different roles in this process. Moreover we could assess if these cells were attacking a tumor derived organoid.

Goal: We aimed to identify if interaction (and perhaps communication) between different T cells had an effect on their capacity to attack tumor cells.

Approach: Using association modelling I predicted what kind of behavior sequences were more likely to appear together.

Main result: From the whole pool of heterogenous genes expression profiles we identified the unique transcriptome of T cells during the course of a tumor attack.